Osaka: Dog Tail Dog Cafe

I still miss my dog in England and crave some puppy love, so I love meeting other dogs in Japan. I’m the weird lady who smiles at cute dogs on the street.

Recently cat cafes, rabbit cafes and owl cafes have been popular. Most of the dog cafes I find are cafes for dogs and their owners with a dog friendly menu.

So I was really excited by Dog Tail cafe.


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Rilakkuma: Tower Records Rilakkuma Cafe

I had a quick trip to Tokyo at the weekend, just 18 hours!! I met with Sarah, Sarah and Aviva and we went to the Tower Records Rilakkuma Cafe in Shibuya.

It opened at 10am, and we arrived a little after that, we arrived from the right hand side of the shop, and looking at the cafe on the second floor we were surprised it didn’t look full. The sign said it was the exit of the cafe so we walked all the way around to the other side, then spotted people sitting on stools by the entrance. We turned the corner and there were more people, around that corner were more people queuing up the stairs….and more….and more…! Omg. The queue ended on the 3.5F staircase. There were about 75 people in front of us.

It’s a good job we love you Rilakkuma!


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Lolita: International Lolita Day

Twice a year lolitas set aside a Saturday to gather with fellow lolitas and have good times. Sadly I always work on Saturdays! So once again I pushed ILD back to a Sunday!

The Osaka International Lolita group met in Osaka for shopping and dinner at the Alice Restaurant.

I wore Geo lenses for the first time since 2006! I got them in Taiwan and they were super cheap, I’m not sure if I like them. My eyes looked big, but also a little dead!


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